Prolonged sitting can negatively impact fertility for the following reasons:

Blood Circulation to the Testes:
Healthy testes require proper blood circulation. Arterial blood must flow to the testes, and venous blood must return to the heart. Prolonged sitting can cause fatigue in the venous blood return process, increasing the risk of varicocele, a condition where the veins around the testes become enlarged, disrupting normal blood flow.

Increased Local Temperature and Prostate Congestion:
Prolonged sitting raises the temperature around the testes and can lead to prostate congestion. Unlike egg cells, which thrive in warmth (hence the ovaries are located inside the pelvis), sperm prefer cooler conditions, which is why the testes are located outside the pelvic cavity.

Not only is prolonged sitting harmful, but prolonged standing can also be detrimental. Maintaining any single position for extended periods can impair pelvic blood circulation, disrupt testicular function, and ultimately reduce sperm quality.

Avoid prolonged sitting or standing. Incorporate regular movement and ensure a balanced lifestyle to promote healthy blood flow and optimal testicular function.